This course is perfect for:
Doctors who what to simplify/streamline full arch treatment, from diagnostics through surgery
Doctors who are looking to add full arch digital workflows to their practice
Doctors who currently have digital for full arches, but are trying to fine tune the workflows
Teams of these doctors (easier to implement workflows when the whole team is excited)
Lab technicians who are involved with full arches, but wants a clinical perspective
Honestly, anyone who has an interest in full arch surgery and digital workflows!!
ONE PERSON - $3,950
Gain confidence in discussing the AOX treatment options with your patients
Improve your ability to plan out these complex cases, both through patient evaluation and implant planning
Learn to ensure great prosthetic outcomes through improving surgical techniques
Understand various conversion options, including many of the full arch digital options currently on the market
See and have hands-on experience with the workflows that are the backbone behind these various conversion options
Know what you can bring back to your practice to improve the care you provide your patients who are investing in the AOX treatment option
Enjoy the benefits of making this procedure easy, predictable, and accurate!
Do you wish you had more confidence in treatment planning and executing full arch treatment? Maybe you’ve done a lot of arches but would like to hone your skills and reduce stress? Are you wanting to make AOX in your practice EASY, PREDICTABLE, and ACCURATE?
Join us and learn the full arch workflows that our practice, Revive Dental Implant Center, has developed over 10+ years to make this complex treatment option more profitable, less stressful, and a lot more fun. This includes:
Updates on efficient workflows for conversions (photogrammetry, intraoral full arch scan bodies, OptiSplint, Smart Denture Conversions, etc.)
Discussions on the ins and outs, pros and cons, of these different methods
Hands-on model surgery and conversions
Watch surgery on a live patient where these workflows are demonstrated
Discussions during the surgery so that you have all your questions answeredFrom one of the co-creators of and creator of, prosthodontist Nate Farley has designed this comprehensive course with everyone in mind. Dr. Farley practices full time at Revive Dental Implant Center in Mesa, AZ where they focus on the terminal dentition and full arch implant dentistry. Dr. Farley performs surgeries utilizing stackable guides fabricated by our in-house lab, Renew Full Arch Lab. He teaches this course with his friend and colleague, Dr. Leila Zadeh.
Renew Full Arch Lab is co-owned by Dr. Farley and his long-time friend and business partner, Dr. Kent Howell. Renew assists over 60 full arch AOX doctors all over the country. Designing everything from full-arch, stackable AOX guides to titanium/zirconia final restorations. Many of our clients have not yet adopted photogrammetry. That means we have digital flows outside photogrammetry for those with and without intraoral scanners. Renew produces the same products and restorations for their clients as they do for the patients of Revive Dental Implant Center. This allows for a level of precision, predictability, and quality that is unmatched.
If you are interested in the steps after surgery, when the patient is going into their finals, check out the continuation of this course,
A small group environment allows for direct one-on-one learning from Dr. Farley and Dr. Zadeh in every aspect of the process. EASY AOX - SURGERY includes the pre-surgical treatment planning and work up for the patients receiving the full arch AOX immediate load treatment. It is an effective course for the whole team, so either come alone and bring the nuggets back to the team, or bring them along so everyone knows how to start making changes right away. The following topics and concepts will be covered in this course:
Patient evaluation:
Learn what records to take for success in planning out a case (from those that have planned thousands of these, both for our own patients, but also our lab clients)
Discuss tips and tricks to evaluate a patient (vertical, CR, esthetics, etc.)
Treatment planning AOX and having that discussion with the patientWorkup and Implant Planning:
Taking the clinical records and turning that into a diagnostic set-up
Using this set-up to plan out implants
Learn rules and steps to systematically plan out implant placement for AOX
Discussion on FP1 vs. FP3, with insights in how FP1 surgery can be more predictable
Discuss the pros and cons between guided and freehand surgery**While Dr. Farley loves to use guides for full arch, and there will be guides used at the course, this is not a course on guided surgery. It is the concepts shared regardless of the surgical technique that we hope to have you leave with!
Extract teeth on models we developed specifically for this course
Renew Full Arch Lab has been fabricating stackable surgical guides for a decade and have developed a system we feel is the best on the market today. Try out one of Renew's stackable surgical guides on your model.
Try out various conversion techniques (keep reading!)PHOTOGRAMMETRY:
Understand photogrammetry and why it is superior to alternative methods
Know the tips and tricks that make it easy, predictable, and accurate to incorporate this technology into your surgical flows
Put a unit in your hands and scan your model
See a demonstration on the lab steps to do a digital conversion
**If you are interested in learning the lab workflows, where exocad is used to design 90% of the prosthesis before surgery and finish the design within 20 minutes of scanning the implants after placement, check out our course EXOCAD - AOX, offered both live and online!!
Smart Denture Conversions:
Learn what this technique is and the benefits to using this analog method
Discuss why so many people are deciding to use this rather than photogrammetry in their flows
Do a little of this on your model and leave with confidence that you could utilize this technique in your practice!Intraoral Scan Bodies:
There is a growing interest in the digital full arch space around trying to utilize special “full arch” scan bodies so that we can enjoy the digital workflows without the investment in expensive equipment
We will discuss the concepts behind the various options on the market, but will be sharing on the ioConnect (TruAbutment)
Understand the pros and cons of these systems and how the ioConnect is uniqueOptiSplint:
This technique hits a sweet spot for many--having a fully digital workflow, but without the investment in a photogrammetry scanner
Understand if this is right for you and your practice
Learn about another innovative product this company offers that is key for those freehanding their full arch casesThe Reline Digital Flow:
There is tremendous value in having more than one option to turn to as usually no one technique works for all cases. This flow is great, but also works as something to fall back on when the first flow is not going well.
Understand how you can reline a denture as part of these digital flows. This is typically used in conjunction with one of the digital techniques already mentioned, rather than its own flow.LIVE SURGERY:
We will perform a live surgery on a deserving patient, with the goal of helping you to see these techniques first hand, where we can discuss the various pros and cons
See Renew's stackable guide in the hands of its creator, Dr. Nate Farley
Discussion during surgery to make sure you understand the techniques includedMore challenging cases:
While 90% of the course covers concepts easily applied to most patients, we want to dive into the more difficult diagnostics and challenging surgical techniques
Get exposure to various clinical cases with extra challenges and discuss solutions
Talk about challenging cases, where bone is not abundant, and feel good looking at the variety of options available to still get them fixed teethAs you can see, this is a very comprehensive course. You will leave this course ready to start treatment planning more AOX in your office, gain confidence in your implant planning, and learn different techniques for surgery (freehand, guided, etc.) and conversion (photogrammetry, Smart Denture Conversions, ioConnect, and OptiSplint). If you have any additional questions about the course, please don't hesitate to reach out and we will get you answers!
CE credits:16
AGD code: 8 credits 690, 8 credits 010